Tags and Labels in Blogspot |
Hellow my People today let us talk about Difference Between Tags & Labels in Blogspot. Many people are mis-undertanding about two this word.
Blogger is Google's push-button publishing website; registered users can choose a domain name ending in ".blogspot.com" for their website. Blogger's user-friendly interface gives users the ability to design their website using pre-designed templates, but it also has the flexibility to allow users to modify or create their own HTML. While tags are used in this creation and modification of HTML, labels are used to categorize and organize individuals posts.
Labels and Tags Defined
When you click on the "New Post" button on your Blogger dashboard, you are sent to a page with a large text box for composing your post. Scroll down to the bottom of this text box to see a section titled "Labels for this post" with a smaller text box next to it. You can place single words or longer phases in this box; whatever you choose to write here, it should reflect what your post is about. While labels are an optional, added feature to your blog -- one that benefits both you, the author, and your readers -- tags are a standard part of your website. This is because they are a part of the HTML, the computer language used to build your website. In fact, HTML tags are even used to build and give labels their functionality on your website.
How Your Readers See Them
While your readers can see and use labels on your blog, they can't see tags directly. When you publish a post with labels, the labels you assigned to it are published along with it; they appear underneath your post title. Readers who click on one of the labels are redirected to a page where all of your previously published posts labeled with the same word or phrase are listed. This gives readers an easy way to navigate your blog based on category. Unlike labels -- which are visible to your readers -- tags are not immediately apparent; what you write in a tag does not directly appear on your blog. Instead, Blogger translates the information in these tags, turning it into text, pictures and template commands that give your blog the style and layout you desire.
Labels and tags both play a role in the use of gadgets -- sometimes referred to as widgets -- on your blog. Tags, the HTML building blocks for website design, allow you to create a widget that displays the labels assigned to your various posts on your blog's sidebar. In this situation, the two work in tandem to produce a tangible result on the blog that allows readers to interact with the site by giving them a place to not only see all the labels assigned to various posts, but to navigate them quickly and easily. The tag for the label widget looks like this:
While all tags look basically the same, their functions vary widely. Tags can change the alignment of font within a post, such as this:
This text will be centered on the page.
The tag "
" is the opening part of the tag, while "
" is the closing part of the tag. Anything that appears between the opening and closing portions of the tag will be affected by the tag's command; in this case, the instructions to center text. Tags can also command whether or where information should be displayed, such as: Anything that appears between the opening tag () and the closing tag () appears only on the front page of your blog; for example, a widget or biographical blurb placed between these tags won't appear on individual post pages. It will appear on your blog's home page. A label, on the other hand, requires no HTML knowledge. Instead, using a label simply requires you to summarize your post in a few key words. For example, if you wrote a post about your family's summer vacation to Walt Disney World, you might use "family vacation," "Walt Disney World" and "Florida" as your post's labels. There is no rule for how many words each label can have; they can be as long or as short as you choose. Insert a comma between each label to signify the end of one label and the beginning of another.
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